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  • brendamelgozamft


Updated: Apr 27, 2023

8 Tips to Find Your Therapist


It’s a journey to recognize that we may need therapy. We may have been told by family or friends, or maybe even a co worker those famous last words “you need therapy!”. It takes everything in us to not punch them right in their throat. But, we are rational and peace loving and we don’t choose violence. We sit back and mumble some choice words underneath our breath and keep it moving. Fast forward…some days later those same words pop into your mind. You go down the rabbit hole and start reflecting on your life. You start noticing that maybe…there is a possibility you are the common denominator or it’s your environment or who you surround yourself with. And lets keep it real…if you’ve grown up in a household or a world with humans then there’s a good chance there are some patterns of relating that are worth examining. Growth can be both beautiful and heartbreaking. The layers are like peeling an onion—complex, time consuming, and can make you cry or laugh on some occasions. That’s where therapy comes in. You’ve come full circle and realize that that person was right. So where do you begin? Probably by finding a therapist to therapize you. The following are 8 easy steps to find a therapist:

Tip #1 - What do you want to address? What's the problem?

Identify what’s not working in your life and how it’s affecting you (work, daily tasks, community, personal care, relationships, etc.). What causes the most pain?

Tip #2 - Know your financial options

Identify if you would like to use insurance or can invest in a private practice cash pay provider (keep in mind that some may take your insurance).

Tip #3 - Contact multiple therapists at once

Search for directories that align with the type of therapist you are looking for (pay attention to specialties, experience, backgrounds). A good starting point are,, or NOTHING is more IMPORTANT than the connection you have with the therapist you choose.

Tip #4 - Schedule a consultation (Several)

Ask questions like what kind of therapy do you provide? How long have you been practicing? How do you conduct therapy? How will we know when therapy is successful? I am experiencing XYZ. Do you have experience in dealing with these issues?

Tip #5 - Give a session a shot

Sometimes finding the right therapist is like dating. Yeah, I said it. Stick with it until you can find the best fit.

Tip #6 - Go with how your heart feels with the therapist

Feeling a connection and comfortable with the therapist you have chosen is very important. It can be a determining factor in how much you progress in therapy. Don’t settle!

Tip #7 - Don’t give up. Try again and again

It may become frustrating or difficult to not find the right therapist. But, you must keep trying. It will be worth it. It is worth it to invest in yourself and a quality life.

Tip #8 - Therapy is the NEW you

You are worth it. Seeking a quality life is worth it.

Therapy is not for the feint of heart. It takes courage and the ability to get out of our own way. Acknowledging the fact that you may need therapy is the hardest part. The rest will take work but it will come together and you can start living the life you have imagined. The mind and heart connection are waiting for you.

Send me a message or post a comment. I would love to engage with you. Allow me to help you connect your heart and mind.

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